Are you an attorney interested in working with IPfever?

IPfever is not a legal service provider, but it’s in a business of helping small and midsize businesses to tackle their legal issues. Some of the help must come from licensed professionals like you. It currently provides access to federal trademark and patent related legal services, but an expansion to other areas of law is desirable.

First of all, you must be licensed in a state and have an adequate qualification. For example, you must be admitted to the patent bar to provide patent law services at IPfever.

And know that at IPfever, there’s no referral fees or service fees, except the payment processing fees to the financial institution. So, when clients pay, you will get the money. It’s that simple. Then, how will IPfever generate money to maintain its website and so on? It’s a bit too early to announce details, but we will eventually offer paid services to lawyers.

You might be concerned about the details; not everyone likes freemium services. At this time, we can promise only one thing: we won’t do anything to harm the integrity of the legal service.