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All about IPs

We offer an IP boutique experience for small businesses.

2-min guide to IPs for retail business – IPfever

When it comes to limited resources, providing right service at a right time is important. No one says you should wait a little before rushing to file a patent or trademark application. But we do.

“Patent prosecution is an art of negotiation.”

Young Jeon (USPTO Reg. Since 2016)

Not just high-tech, complex technology is patentable. We have extensive experience in protecting out-of-the-box thinking and small but valuable ideas to improve daily lives.

If it’s something new, it can be patented.

The more important question is whether you have a sufficient coverage of protection to raise a high enough bar for second comers. We accommodate a wide range of necessity from a quick “patent pending” status to a great protection for a long run.


new starbucks

IPfever is focused on helping start-ups and small businesses to effectively and successfully brand themselves and set them apart from the competition.

We consider trademarks in the context of your business and IP portfolio including patents, trade secrets, copyrights, and so on even if you are just starting as an Amazon seller or a small business owner. It should be about investment and return, not just replacing ™ with ®.