Tag: search
Trademark Search Hacks
Trademark attorneys, like myself, use USPTO’s Trademark Search like everyone else. I will walk you through the entire process with helpful tips you can use right away. First of all, you need to access Trademark Search (uspto.gov) You should see something like this: Now, hit the “Search by all” button on the top left, and…
Amazon IP Accelerator Program
Amazon’s IP Accelerator Program (hereinafter “IPAP”) allows sellers to use Amazon Brand Registry as soon as they file for a trademark application with the USPTO. Typically, registration takes 6-9 months, so this is an exciting program for Amazon sellers. Are the maximum service fees set by Amazon fair? Assuming that the law firms participating in…
Patent Infringement: Clearance Search Explained
Patent clearance search is called a Freedom-To-Operate opinion because it reveals others’ patents that are blocking your way. It requires searching and analyzing patent documents in the country where you do business. Even if you invent something new, it is often based on other’s previous works. For example, you get a patent on a new cap design for plastic bottles, which…
Trademark Clearance Search
Clearance Search It is absolutely necessary to find out if there is anyone using your mark prior to your use. A clearance search is often performed through proprietary services, which often search not only state and federal registrations but also common law trademarks. Typically, a better service costs more; but depending on your situation a simple Google search…
How often do you Google your trademark?
How do you react to a sight of a retail store that just launched? Early adopters enjoy using a product or service before other people do, but most of the consumers tend to be a lot less passionate about embracing a new store although its sight might pop among aging stores. That is why many…